Granab subfloor system for new construction
The system is patented and meets the requirements of EKS, the European construction standards. It is type-approved by SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden and has a Norwegian technical-approval from SINTEF regarding sound-absorbing properties, dynamic loads, and strength.
GRANAB leads the development of subfloor systems, and we can with different types of damping elements achieve different sound properties, whether it is concrete or wood (CLT) flooring that forms the basis

Our systems

Granab subfloor system 3000N
For adjustable height 30 – 140 mm, excl. Floor covering.

Granab subfloor system 7000N
For adjustable height 50 – 420 mm, excl. Floor covering.

Granab subfloor system 9000N
For adjustable height 70 – 420 mm, excl. Floor covering.